Complete the RM Roadmap Survey

This RM Roadmap survey aims to get a comprehensive picture of the current situation of Research Managers (RMs) across Europe. In our understanding, the term RMs covers a wide range of experts at different professional levels bearing specific knowledge:

  1. to streamline/facilitate the planning, the development, management, administration, communication and valorisation of research and innovation,

  2. to ensure compliance with policy objectives, funding programme requirements, financial rules and legal regulations,

  3. to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of R&I projects/system, and/or

  4. to enhance the impact of R&I on the society.

This survey will support setting of further goals, namely, the formulation of recommendations:

  • on an inclusive definition and terminology including RM professional categories;

  • on an RM career development framework;

  • on an RM skill and competence matrix; as well as

  • on a future RM training scheme.

The completion of the survey approximately takes ca. 25 minutes. Using a laptop or a similar device is recommended as several questions have multiple parts. You can save your answers by clicking on "Save and continue later" on the top of the page; thus filling in the survey can be paused any time and you can resume later.

Please complete the RM Roadmap Survey here.

Deadline for completion of the Survey January 28, 2024.

If you have any questions or complaints about the survey or your participation, please contact the research team at and


Press Release: Funding Required for EU to Capitalise on Game-Changing Potential of Research Management Professionals


Apply to Become an RM Roadmap Thematic Ambassador - Deadline 13/12/23